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    Sanlidian, Qingshan Community, Chunhua, Street, , Jiangning District


    +86 25 52717521

    Long-fiberReinforce Thermoplastic(LFRT), the length of the fiber glass is bigger than 3mm, while the commercialized LFRT is normally 6-25mm. The modulus of long fiber reinforcement is double than that of short fiber reinforcement, while impact tension is four times, can keep its function without any change under the temperature of minus 30℃ After a long term research and test, COWIN has develop the ideal equipment to optimize the LFRT with our CHT series high torque twin screw extruder with charateristics of smaller screw gap, unique screw configuration to ensure best compounding and avoid over shearing., precise temperature control. Talor lenght-rated cutting system. Please feel free to contact us for more detailed information. COWIN EXTRUSION is leading supplier of LFRT extrusion line in China. We have cooeprated with some research center and university and successfully develop such technology.

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